Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Great Day In America!

Today is one example of what makes America the greatest county on Earth! We have the right to decide and vote in who we want to be our next President. We don't all agree, and that is ok, but in the end we are all AMERICANS! Democrats, Republicans, and Independents can be proud of the fact that our voices are heard!

I truly believe that whoever does get elected (And yes I did vote) this time will be held to a higher standard by the American people. More people are paying attention, and that is a good thing. Our Government as a whole needs to be held more accountable for their actions, and their "promises" that they make to the public.

I know I will be doing my part, and encourage everyone to do the same! May we all be blessed, and count our blessings in this great country we live in!

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