Monday, November 24, 2008

Short and Sweet!

Below are a few quotes that have meant a lot to me over the years and I thought I would share them with you! Thanks for reading!

Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, everyday, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity. Christopher Morley
(1890-1957, American Novelist, Journalist, Poet)

Most of us are pretty good at keeping promises to others and pretty bad at keeping promises to ourselves. Lawrence LeShan

Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then, do what you need to do, in order to have what you want. Margaret Young(American Author)

I've believed ever since that living on the edge, living in and through your fear, is the summit of life, and that people who refuse to take that dare condemn themselves to a life of living death. John H. Johnson(American Businessman, Founder of Johnson Publishing)

Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality. Les Brown(1945-, American Speaker, Author, Trainer, Motivator Lecturer)

A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals. Larry Bird
(American Basketball Player, Coach)

Hope these quotes might spark something in you today to do something that will move you in the right direction! Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Think Positive!

Dale Carnegie has nine human relation's points he writes about in his book "How To Win Friends, And Influence People" and the very first one is "don't criticize, condemn, or complain". That is all I see today everywhere I look, is people criticizing, condemning, and complaining about everything they come in contact with! Now, I know we can't be "positive" 100% of the time, and to suggest that is absurd. That being said, I think we are way to "negative" as a society. Just stop and listen to everything going on around you. At work, home, social settings, etc.....I will bet 10-1 (I love to bet when the odds are in my favor) that what you hear will be 90% negative.

So here is what I am challenging you to do for just one day! Today, make a point to NOT criticize, condemn, or complain. Just for 24 hours see if you can accomplish this. I tried this the other day, and I was amazed that my mind tends to go negative more than what I thought. I am making efforts daily to be positive and suggest you do the same. I am finding the results to be incredible and you will too! Good Luck!

Monday, November 10, 2008


to kick this blog off, I want you to think about, and write down, all the things you want to accomplish in the next 12 months, both personally and professionally. The great thing about success is that everyone defines it a little differently. One thing that I am sure of is that my definition of success won’t motivate you to do anything, and vice-versa your definition will probably not motivate me. We all have to come up with our own definition. When I say think about and write it down, what I mean is get specific. To say, “I want to make more money” isn’t good enough. Write down “why” you want to make more money. Some people want more money to save it, others to spend it. Some want to be able to give it to their children, families, or charities, and yet others think it will make them more important. Having a vision of what you want to accomplish is more than just money. There are many different areas to think about. Family, career, your finances, your health, your relationships with your friends, your social life, etc….the list can go on an on, but the key here is to let your imagination run. Don’t get caught in your box.

I have to believe that all of us sometimes don’t think big enough. I think big, and that has allowed me things in life that others might not have the chance to experience, yet I was very humbled after I read a story on about Steve Wynn. Steve Wynn built the first “Mega” Casino in Las Vegas Nevada (The Mirage, which is now owned by MGM). When Steve built it he had a construction loan, and his goal was to pay off the loan in seven years. When he went to his accountants and all of his financial team, he asked them what it was going to take to pay off the loan in his seven year time frame. After they did the math they told him that he would have to profit $1 million dollars a day, 365 days a year, for the next seven years. If that happened he would be free of his loan in seven years. $1 million dollars a day profit, after he paid all his staff, and all his bills he would need to have $1 million dollars left each day, every day for the next seven years. Wow! To me that seemed impossible, but to Steve it wasn’t. Steve set his vision, to pay the loan off in seven years, and then he shared with everyone on his team. They put a game plan together, and began to execute. Well Mr. Wynn didn’t pay off his loan in seven years; he did it in 18 MONTHS!!!! A year and a half is all it took for him to pay it off, which means he probably profited 4,5,6,7,8 millions dollars a day, every day!! The best part about it is that after 18 months, all that profit went to him! Now I am not saying that all of us are going to profit $1 million dollars a day, but I would say that the story is a good reminder for all of us to think bigger than what we do. As Steve said, “Doubts don’t build empires…..Imagination does.”

So let your imagination run as you set your vision and goals. Stretch you mind, spirit, and body and you just might be amazed at the results.

Sarah and I have been blessed at a very early age in life, but we are making a mission for the next 12 months to “stretch” our thinking, and we encourage you to do the same!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Great Day In America!

Today is one example of what makes America the greatest county on Earth! We have the right to decide and vote in who we want to be our next President. We don't all agree, and that is ok, but in the end we are all AMERICANS! Democrats, Republicans, and Independents can be proud of the fact that our voices are heard!

I truly believe that whoever does get elected (And yes I did vote) this time will be held to a higher standard by the American people. More people are paying attention, and that is a good thing. Our Government as a whole needs to be held more accountable for their actions, and their "promises" that they make to the public.

I know I will be doing my part, and encourage everyone to do the same! May we all be blessed, and count our blessings in this great country we live in!