Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Six Manager Slip-ups & How to Fix Them

1.    SLIP-UP: Meet sporadically, or not at all for one-on-one communication with team members.
FIX: Consistent meetings give each team member goals to work toward and deadlines to meet, keeping them motivated and on task.

2.    SLIP-UP: Always develop their own ideas and strategies without ever asking team members to provide input or allow them to be part of the discussion.
FIX: Seek input and creativity from team members. Let them contribute and they will be more invested in projects and outcomes. 

3.    SLIP-UP: Fail to clearly communicate what they expect of their team members; leaving them to wonder what is most important, what they should be working on or where their priorities lie.
FIX: Set crystal clear expectations with team members so they know at all times exactly what is expected of them, and how to set themselves up for success.  

4.    SLIP-UP: Fail to monitor team member’s work and give feedback on it.
FIX: Stay in contact with team members on projects and deadlines and give them feedback on how they can improve their performance. Inspect what you expect.

5.    SLIP-UP: Provide feedback in a destructive way by criticizing, insulting or micromanaging.
FIX: Give feedback that is goal-oriented, constructive, corrective and appreciative.

6.    SLIP-UP: Neglecting to transfer acquired skills to their team and trying to do everything themselves.  
FIX: Train team members in skills and strategies so they can be better equipped for success and improve their performance.  

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