Thursday, July 7, 2011

Persisting Through Setbacks

In today’s world, it is easy to let short term setbacks in life look a lot bigger than they really are. I understand setbacks, we have had our fair share, but setbacks are only temporary, we must keep our eyes on our long-term goals. If you are going through a tough time right now, in any area of your life, it is so easy to get caught up worrying about it 24 hours a day. Also, if all you think about are your short-term setbacks you are not focusing your energy where it should be, which is finding a solution, solving the issues and getting back on track. You must deal with your setbacks. We all have them, but letting them steal your confidence, and plan for the long-term is not the answer, we must continue to persist through these setbacks. Setbacks in life do not mean that you are not moving forward. As a matter of fact, one can argue, the more setbacks you are having in your life the more you are growing and moving towards your vision. Life is a game of peaks and valleys, and we must have the ability to handle both sides of the coin.

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