Define what success means to you and make sure you have a plan to get there. Write it down and carry it with you so you can review it from time to time. If you have already done this make sure you are still on the right track.
Make sure that you have the right attitude. To have the right attitude to improve you must answer “yes” to these four questions. Do I need to? Do I want to? Can I? Will I? Ask yourself these four questions and when you can answer yes to all four of them you are ready to move forward.
Plan your work and work your plan. Make any midcourse adjustments if you find yourself off track.
Recommit to your career, a relationship, a new start, and get excited again by setting goals, thinking about your long-term vision and where you truly want to end up to reach your definition of success, it is amazing what you can accomplish.
Continue to ask yourself, “Is what I am doing right now, being busy or being productive?”
Remember, today is the only day you have. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is not here yet. Make the most of today by focusing on what is right, not what is wrong.
Deal with your setbacks. Everyone has them, but letting them steal your confidence, and plan for the long-term is not the answer, you must continue to persist through setbacks.
Be patient and stay the course as you move in the direction of your success. Remember “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
Reward yourself when you achieve one of your goals or meet a deadline.
Don’t worry what other people think about you. They are so wrapped up in their own lives that they are not thinking about you.
Be thankful for what you have and for what you have achieved.
Make sure that the people you hang around with have your best interest at heart. If they don’t find some new people to hang around with.
Block out all the noise and concentrate on the things that you can control.
Make sure that you stay organized so that important matters don’t fall through the cracks.
Do the most important and hardest tasks first. They are easier to accomplish when you are fresh and rested.
Work at staying healthy. Without your health nothing else really matters.
Don’t live in the past, just learn from it. Don’t live in the future, just prepare for it. If you do either of these you will miss out on all the great things that are happening today.
Keep a smile on your face. It is great for your attitude and takes a lot less work than it does to frown.
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