Thursday, January 26, 2012

P.E.P.P. Preparation Execution Persistence and Patience: A Rulebook To Achieving Success In Any Area Of Your life!

This Blog has been put together with the intention to help you see the process of success as manageable and realistic. In anything we do in life these four key elements play a very important role. We must prepare before we go into battle. We must execute our plan, or our plan is worthless. Action is required along with having a positive outlook that good things will happen. We must persist! We must not let little obstacles stand in our way. Finally we must have patience. Things take time to work. We live in a world of instant gratification, where people want things and they want them now. People want to become the best, the "Michael Jordan's or the Warren Buffett's", yet they are not willing to go through what the best go through to become the best. These examples can go on forever. We must be willing to have patience as we prepare, execute, and persist!

I want to help everyone reading this to see success as a fun journey. People must have fun in life or things become stale. These next few paragraphs will help you with a step by step process, you will understand the formula to have success in life, both personally and professionally, however you define success. By the way, that is the very first step! You must define what success means to you. To many times we are living life inside someone else's plan for success. Define success for you personally and professionally and then put a plan together that is right for you! Finally you must execute your plan.

For someone who cares about helping people set themselves up for success by helping people change the way they look at life, I have been fighting this battle for the past 12 years and continue to fight everyday to help more and more people set themselves up for success in their personal and professionals lives. I have had the privilege to work with over 100,000 people all across the globe helping them get on the right path to success (however they define the word "success"). Working with people through self-help, motivation, financial planning, career planning, business planning, leadership and sales development, and building self-confidence, I have seen a lot of people and companies who are truly searching for answers about themselves and their very own lives. I have decided to find continued ways to help as many people as possible with the power of P.E.P.P. The P.E.P.P. Formula can and will help you improve your life if you actually take action with these suggestions.

Improving one's life is a two-way street. First, one must know what do to and how to do it, and second one must take action! I have run across a lot of people who hear but don't listen, others who listen but don't understand, others who understand but don't agree, others who agree, but don't think they have the ability to accomplish, and finally those who have the ability to accomplish but don't execute (no action).

It is my goal to get you to actually execute, take action, and improve your life to reach your definition of success in many different areas of your life. As you read about P.E.P.P., think about ways you can take immediate action that will move you in the right direction towards your dreams, goals, and desires, in any area of your life. Taking the first step is sometimes the hardest, but once you do and you create momentum it is amazing what results you can and will produce. Remember to always be moving forward in a positive direction! Get out of the "rocking chair" mode. A rocking chair never moves forward, and we always want to be moving forward. Whether you move forward an inch or a mile, that doesn't matter, as long as you are moving in a positive direction. I challenge you to write your thoughts down and then execute your plan. Who knows, you just might come up with ideas that can change your life.

Use P.E.P.P. to improve you life! Prepare, execute, persist and be patience and watch your dreams become a reality.

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