Sunday, August 14, 2011

Don’t Let The Fear of Failure (FOF) Stop You From Reaching Your Definition Of Success

In today’s world fear of failure (FOF) can stop you from achieving success. Most of you know that I believe in order for you to be successful you must first define what success means to you. Once you know what success means to you don’t let FOF slow you down. All of us like to succeed at whatever we do. The problem comes when FOF becomes dominant in our lives. It is important to accept that we all are going to make mistakes and that trial and error is the best way to find creative solutions that will keep us moving in the right direction.

Everyone who has become successful (whatever success means to them) has experienced failure. It is safe to say that the most successful people in the world have probably had the most failures. It took Thomas Edison 18 months of consistent failures going through over 1,000 combinations of gas and filament before he found a light bulb that would last and produce light. It took the Wright Brothers over 4 years of failures before their first successful motor powered flight. Most of us do not consider Edison or the Wright Brothers as failures.

Could it be that you are holding yourself back because of FOF? Are the prospects of another round of criticism from family, friends or co-workers preventing you from taking the risks that might help you improve? Hopefully you are more like Edison and the Wright Brothers, holding the vision of a workable outcome, doing the work required and finding that persistence is a big part of the process. Realize that you are going to fail at times, but learn from your failures. When you fail, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get on down the road toward your definition success.

We believe in you and know that you will succeed. If we can help you, as you travel towards your definition of success, please let us know!

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