Summer is almost over, you are back from vacation, the kids are going back to school, but you are having a hard time in your journey of life. Maybe you have lost some of the excitement that you had so much of before the summer began! Maybe you are frustrated with where you are in your business, your job, your relationship or your financial situation. Maybe you are tempted to start looking for something new even though you know that what you are doing is right for you and your family. Stop, look into the mirror, and remember the “4 phases of attitude” we as humans go through in different times of our life. The first phase is the excitement phase, the second phase is the frustration phase, the third phase is the looking phase and the fourth phase is the recommitment phase. If you have already defined what success means to you! If you have already set the proper goals to get there! If you already have the right road map or blue print! If you are already executing or taking the proper action! Relax, smile, you know what you need to do to get out of your funk and get on down the road!
You must recommit to what you are driven to do. Once again we all get frustrated, but when we recommit it’s easy to get excited again and this time it’s a real or true commitment, helping us stay excited about what we are doing.
Three things we must do to recommit:
1. Set goals
2. Get around the right people
3. Keep in mind our long-term vision
If we can recommit to our career, a relationship, a new start, our business, our job and get excited again by setting goals, thinking about our long-term vision and where we truly want to end up to reach our success, it is amazing what we can accomplish.
We at The Chad Carden Group have recommitted to our goals and dreams. We have the right road map and blue print and we are executing and taking the proper actions. We challenge you to join us. If we can help you on your journey please let us know.