This week is a very important week for all of us! This week we have the opportunity to make changes in our life that can impact our future. I am challenging you this week! Take ten minutes after reading this, sit down, and write down 2 or 3 commitments you can do this week that will help you improve your life. To many of us get caught up in "life" or the "rocking chair". A rocking chair creates a lot of motion but never moves FORWARD! We get caught up in being "busy" versus being "productive"! I wrote "Winning The Money Game" with Adam Carroll and last week when talking to him he helped me distinguish between busy and productive. I can be "busy" 24 hours a day 168 hours a week, and not be productive (Moving forward towards success).
So let's not try to completely change our lives this week (This is a process not an event, and it will take more than one week). This week let's take the first step, by doing a few things that are truly productive and will move our life in the right direction. Continue to ask yourself this week, "Is what I am doing right now, being busy or being productive?" and see what impact you can have!
Good luck!
We are making a lot of changes right now and are always excited to hear from you! Let us know how things are going, or what else you would like to see!
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