The Mean One, Mr. Grinch, was a bad banana with a greasy black peel. But, even with garlic in his soul, he managed to revise his vision, change his course and "his heart grew three sizes that day.
No one is as foul as the great Grinch, but we’ve assembled the Top Ten Tips on personal improvement to keep you far, far away from the king of sinful sots.
- Do the most important and hardest tasks first. They are easier to accomplish when you are fresh and rested.
- Write down your plan, in several places. Writing things down makes them feel more important, necessary and easily accessible. Make midcourse adjustments as needed.
- Recommit to exercise, a relationship, learning something new or a worthy cause and get excited about it. Make small attainable goals a part of your plan.
- Remember, today is the only day you have. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is not here yet. Make the most of today by focusing on what is right, not what is wrong.
- Deal with your setbacks. Everyone has them, but letting them steal your confidence, is not the answer, you must continue to persist through setbacks.
- Reward yourself when you achieve one of your goals or meet a deadline and be thankful for what you have and what you have achieved.
- Don’t worry what other people think about you. They are so wrapped up in their own lives that they are not thinking about you.
- Keep a smile on your face and surround yourself with positive people. A good attitude and people who share it are great gifts you can give yourself.
- Block out all the noise and concentrate on the things that you can control, like staying organized so things don’t fall through the cracks.
- Work at staying healthy. Without your health nothing else really matters.
Happy Holidays!!!