Monday, December 22, 2008

Be Back In 2009!

This week, and for the rest of 2008, Chad is spending time with his family, but wanted me (his associate) to write a quick post. He wanted me to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a wonderful New Year.

He will be back in 2009 to continue with his journey of helping people set themselves up for success in all areas of their life!

Best of luck in 2009!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Are Times Tough?

Our news outlets today paint a very nasty economy right now and finally "experts" are saying that we are in a recession. If we listen to all of this, we can gather that for a lot of people out there times are very tough. Now I agree that times are tough for a lot of people, yet I still see people going to the movies, eating out, going to sporting events, buying things that are not considered "needs", and spending money on things that might be considered a luxury in other parts of the World. One athlete just received over $100 million dollar contract to pitch in Major League Baseball. Others around the World would literally die, to be in our situation. Yes, times are tough, and America is going through a "rough patch", yet most are still not willing to change their lifestyle. I think some people are "forced" to change, by a loss of a job, etc....but most Americans are not "willing" to change. So if you are complaining right now about your situation, either change the way you do things or quit whining! Sometimes all of us need to look in the mirror and find the true cause of our issues! Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Being Helpful....

I was on a flight last night from Chicago to Newark and had a very interesting experience. I am amazed these days on the tension we have in the public. People are worried about their jobs, money, what to get family for the holidays, what our is economy going to do in 2009, etc... Most people are taking it out on everyone around them. The flight was, like most flights these days, a full flight. The boarding agent was trying to board people as quickly as possible so they flight could leave on time, and the flight attendants were doing their part inside the plane to help people find their seats. I was one of the first people on the plane and had a ringside seat to show. With about 10 minutes left before departure, the overhead bins were full and customers had to start taking their bags off the plane to check them for baggage claim. The flight attendant and the gate agent began to fight about customers having coats in the overhead space. The gate agent began to throw customers coats from the overhead space onto the floor aisle of the plane, not even asking which coat belongs to which customer. It was such a bad customer experience now customers began to argue. Next thing I knew there were 10-15 people screaming at each other with no solution in sight. About that time a flight attendant from the back of the plane made her way forward not saying a word, just picking up coats and finding which coat belong to which customer. In about 5 minutes she had the situation under control and had managed to calm down everyone that was involved in the screaming match just minutes earlier. I realized that the only thing she did different was to be helpful and look for solutions instead of being part of the problem.

Too many times we don't look for solutions, because it is much easier to be part to the problem these days, and we can always seem to justify our actions. Next time you are in a challenging situation, make it a point to find solutions and be helpful. You will be amazed how much more progress you can make just by being helpful!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Season To Give!

The holiday season for 2008 is here! Most of us are looking forward to the holidays which is a time to be with family and friends. For some it is a time for some well deserved R&R after a busy year, and for others it is a time to give.

I challenged everyone to "give" this holiday season. Define the word "give" however you like, but here are a few ways to give this year:

1. You can give money to local charities and churches
2. You can give your time to help with families in need
3. You can give back to family and friends that have been there for you
4. You can give your spouse a break and do something out of the ordinary that they will like
5. You can give someone a card saying thanks
6. You can give someone a call and let them know how special they are
7. You can give more love to a child
8. You can give back to your community by helping with a project to make the community better
9. You can give yourself a break by relaxing and enjoying life as it is
10. You can give your employees extra time off and surprise them this year

I can go on and on, but however you define the word, this holiday season.....Give!

Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Short and Sweet!

Below are a few quotes that have meant a lot to me over the years and I thought I would share them with you! Thanks for reading!

Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, everyday, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity. Christopher Morley
(1890-1957, American Novelist, Journalist, Poet)

Most of us are pretty good at keeping promises to others and pretty bad at keeping promises to ourselves. Lawrence LeShan

Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then, do what you need to do, in order to have what you want. Margaret Young(American Author)

I've believed ever since that living on the edge, living in and through your fear, is the summit of life, and that people who refuse to take that dare condemn themselves to a life of living death. John H. Johnson(American Businessman, Founder of Johnson Publishing)

Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality. Les Brown(1945-, American Speaker, Author, Trainer, Motivator Lecturer)

A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals. Larry Bird
(American Basketball Player, Coach)

Hope these quotes might spark something in you today to do something that will move you in the right direction! Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Think Positive!

Dale Carnegie has nine human relation's points he writes about in his book "How To Win Friends, And Influence People" and the very first one is "don't criticize, condemn, or complain". That is all I see today everywhere I look, is people criticizing, condemning, and complaining about everything they come in contact with! Now, I know we can't be "positive" 100% of the time, and to suggest that is absurd. That being said, I think we are way to "negative" as a society. Just stop and listen to everything going on around you. At work, home, social settings, etc.....I will bet 10-1 (I love to bet when the odds are in my favor) that what you hear will be 90% negative.

So here is what I am challenging you to do for just one day! Today, make a point to NOT criticize, condemn, or complain. Just for 24 hours see if you can accomplish this. I tried this the other day, and I was amazed that my mind tends to go negative more than what I thought. I am making efforts daily to be positive and suggest you do the same. I am finding the results to be incredible and you will too! Good Luck!

Monday, November 10, 2008


to kick this blog off, I want you to think about, and write down, all the things you want to accomplish in the next 12 months, both personally and professionally. The great thing about success is that everyone defines it a little differently. One thing that I am sure of is that my definition of success won’t motivate you to do anything, and vice-versa your definition will probably not motivate me. We all have to come up with our own definition. When I say think about and write it down, what I mean is get specific. To say, “I want to make more money” isn’t good enough. Write down “why” you want to make more money. Some people want more money to save it, others to spend it. Some want to be able to give it to their children, families, or charities, and yet others think it will make them more important. Having a vision of what you want to accomplish is more than just money. There are many different areas to think about. Family, career, your finances, your health, your relationships with your friends, your social life, etc….the list can go on an on, but the key here is to let your imagination run. Don’t get caught in your box.

I have to believe that all of us sometimes don’t think big enough. I think big, and that has allowed me things in life that others might not have the chance to experience, yet I was very humbled after I read a story on about Steve Wynn. Steve Wynn built the first “Mega” Casino in Las Vegas Nevada (The Mirage, which is now owned by MGM). When Steve built it he had a construction loan, and his goal was to pay off the loan in seven years. When he went to his accountants and all of his financial team, he asked them what it was going to take to pay off the loan in his seven year time frame. After they did the math they told him that he would have to profit $1 million dollars a day, 365 days a year, for the next seven years. If that happened he would be free of his loan in seven years. $1 million dollars a day profit, after he paid all his staff, and all his bills he would need to have $1 million dollars left each day, every day for the next seven years. Wow! To me that seemed impossible, but to Steve it wasn’t. Steve set his vision, to pay the loan off in seven years, and then he shared with everyone on his team. They put a game plan together, and began to execute. Well Mr. Wynn didn’t pay off his loan in seven years; he did it in 18 MONTHS!!!! A year and a half is all it took for him to pay it off, which means he probably profited 4,5,6,7,8 millions dollars a day, every day!! The best part about it is that after 18 months, all that profit went to him! Now I am not saying that all of us are going to profit $1 million dollars a day, but I would say that the story is a good reminder for all of us to think bigger than what we do. As Steve said, “Doubts don’t build empires…..Imagination does.”

So let your imagination run as you set your vision and goals. Stretch you mind, spirit, and body and you just might be amazed at the results.

Sarah and I have been blessed at a very early age in life, but we are making a mission for the next 12 months to “stretch” our thinking, and we encourage you to do the same!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Great Day In America!

Today is one example of what makes America the greatest county on Earth! We have the right to decide and vote in who we want to be our next President. We don't all agree, and that is ok, but in the end we are all AMERICANS! Democrats, Republicans, and Independents can be proud of the fact that our voices are heard!

I truly believe that whoever does get elected (And yes I did vote) this time will be held to a higher standard by the American people. More people are paying attention, and that is a good thing. Our Government as a whole needs to be held more accountable for their actions, and their "promises" that they make to the public.

I know I will be doing my part, and encourage everyone to do the same! May we all be blessed, and count our blessings in this great country we live in!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Become Your Own Architect!

You must take control of your life in all aspects and begin now. There are five different areas that must be controlled and your "local" level. Spiritual, Physical, Financial, Mental, and Emotional. These areas must be controlled by you. You should be the architect of your life, not the economy, the federal government, who wins the election, what is happening with your 401K, or what is going on with the value of your house at the present time. Why you may ask? Well because all those things I listed are out of our control. We must work hard to control our own life, and how we are doing is completely sustained by what we are doing.

How do we do that? Watch where your $$ is going, make sure you love what you are doing, take care of your family by loving them, be thankful for all the great things in your life and don't get frustrated by short term obstacles. A good friend of mine in New Orleans always says, "tough times don't last, tough people do!" We all go through our own "roller coasters" in life, and yes what is happening with our economy does have an impact on each of us.

That being said, we must remain focused on what we can control? Can you spend less today? Can you save a little more money? Can you tell someone you care about that you love them and how much they mean to you? Can you read something that will enhance your mind? Can you do something today that will make your situation better?

Remember, today is the only day you have. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is not here yet. Make the most of today by focusing on what is right, not what is wrong!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Feedback From You!

This week is "feedback week" Please submit your challenges (personally or professionally) and every week I will answer your questions. You will remain anonymous and everything is 100% confidentially. Think about it, if you are dealing with an issue, then I am sure others reading this are dealing with the same issues. Your responses will also be great for you because this blog will be customized to my readers, and have more meaning when you read it every week!

You can post a reply or email me:

I look forward to hearing from you!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Turning Vision into Reality

The Model:

The problem with the model is that most people work it backwards (bottom to top). Think about it! Most people get up every morning and have activities they have to do. Do most people do the activities that are hard and necessary or easy and convenient? Most will op for the easy route. Most people agree that their health is critical, but are not willing to get up and exercise in the morning, because it is easier to hit the snooze, and as they race to work grab a cup of coffee and 3 Krispy Kremes. There are a hundred examples but you get the point!

Now after you do activities over and over and over again, you will develop habits. Some habits good and some habits bad. If you get up and exercise it becomes a habit, and if you hit the snooze, it is easy for that to become habit as well. From these habits people develop in life, they create a Comfort Zone (CZ) , and for most people that comfort zone will control their life. They will only do what is comfortable to them and rarely get out of their CZ. When they do jump out of their CZ most of the time it is too uncomfortable so what do they do? They usually jump right back in. Most people will do what is comfortable over what is necessary to be successful, however you define success!

From the habits we develop in life we will get some type of results. Like habits, some results are good, and some results are bad. If we are in the habit of exercising that will produce results, if we are in the habit of eating 3 Krispy Kremes on the way to work every morning that will produce some type of results as well. Get the picture? Once again this can pertain to any part of our life, personally, professionally, spiritual, physical, financial, mental, or emotional. If we develop bad habits we will probably get bad results, and the opposite is true for the positive too!

The results we get in life sometimes have an affect on our values. Sometimes because we get into bad habits that produce bad results we change our values to justify to ourselves that what we are doing is OK. For example you might overtime come the conclusion that “Everyone has to die of something” so exercise and health might not be as important as it once was, or you might find that because you have develop bad results with your finances that are those “things” you wanted in life are really necessary for you to have. Still with me?

All of us will end up at a destination in life, and for most people that destination is “somewhere else”, somewhere where they did not plan to be when they set off in this journey in life. The number one reason is due to poor planning. Most people don’t truly plan where they want to go in life, or how they are going to get their. It is a proven fact that 95% of this country spends more time planning their annual vacation than they do their financial future. They just jumped on the river of life and wherever it took them they went.

…….Now what successful people do, and I know that everyone defines success differently! My definition of success is not going to motivate you to do anything, likewise your definition is not going to motivate me to do anything. And you have to define success for every part of your life. Your career, your marriage, your finances, your health, etc……The whole key is that it has to be your definition, not anyone else’s!! (Now if it is something that involves another person, like marriage, you might want to define it together….Just a thought!!). Back to my thought……..what successful people do is they take the model and work it from the top down!! Let’s take a look and what that looks like.

They first start off with a vision of what they want to accomplish. For a business that vision might include: (18-24 months out)
-How much money is coming in per month?
-How many units or products are being sold on a monthly basis?
-How many hours the principal is working?
-How many people are on staff, how are they paid?
-How much money is the principal putting back into the business?
-What are the working conditions? Home, office, etc………
-What key markets is the niche?
-What type, if any, community involvement does the company have?
-What other businesses, if any, are partnered with to make a greater impact?
There can be more questions, but once you have this on paper and it is crystal clear what you want to accomplish, it makes it 100 times easier to reach it. A Harvard study found that only 3% of the population has their goals written down on paper. There is something magical about writing things down. I can’t explain, it just seems that once you have it down on paper it becomes so much more real and you become that much more committed to accomplish it!

After you have your vision clearly defined then everything else revolves around it. What values do you need to possess in order to reach your vision? Some Business Values might include:
-World Class Client Experience (Accept Nothing Less)
-Return all phones calls ASAP
-Honesty at all times even when not popular
-Never displace blame and always look for news solutions to solve problems that
Come up
-Accept responsibility and turn all negative situations into positive situations
-Keep in mind whom the client cares about most. When you show interest in
Them they will in-turn show interest in you.
-Always remember that if you help the client get what they want you will get
What you want. 100% focus on the clients situation not yours.
There are many others but this is just a starting block to get you thinking about all the values you want your biz to possess.
What successful people do differently is instead of just getting results in life, they create goals that will get the results they want in order to reach their vision. Daily, weekly, monthly goals that are written down, held accountable to and revised constantly…..If I want to get from downstairs to upstairs and that is my vision, I am not going to get there in the one step. I need goals or stairs along the way to help me ultimately reach my vision (upstairs) Goals keep you focus on the long term vision. When you have goals and the long term vision it keeps you from being frustrated in short term roadblocks.

Now this is where the rubber meets the road. Everything you put together, the vision, the values and the goals are worthless unless you take action!! Now you have to think about what daily, weekly, monthly activities to I need to make a habit in order to reach my vision. This is where you look at what habits do you need to build to be successful and what habits do I need to break to be successful. Getting out of your CZ is required when taking this action. Because if you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten, and the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results….. Now here is what most people don’t understand…..if you do things you need to do to be successful, they might be uncomfortable at first, but after you do them over and over and over and over and over again, they will in-turn become comfortable and you will automatically stretch your comfort zone!

After you define the activities and habits you need to build/break now you have to work your plan. It becomes a lot easier to get up daily and do what is needed. Some people might think you are crazy, but that is ok, but they don’t see your vision. What begins to happen in life is you now don’t have to question why you are doing what you are doing daily, weekly, monthly because you have created a path for your life on purpose not on accident!! It’s like a dog that chases cats around the neighborhood. What if nobody else but the dog could see those cats? And the only thing that we saw was the dog chasing nothing? We would think the dog is crazy, but the dog knows why they are running around like mad… ultimately catch the cats!! Make Sense?

Keep this mind: Successful people do the things that unsuccessful people are not willing to do!

That does not say they enjoy them, it says they do them because it will ultimately help them reach their vision.

Good Luck!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Take Action...NOW!

Have you ever procrastinated? I know that I have. Do you have an idea for a business? Do you want to do something for your sweetheart? Your family? Yourself? I think everyone reading this right now has an idea that can make their life or the life of others better either spiritually, physically, financially, mentally, or emotionally, and now the key is to take action!

Sarah and I are in the middle of making a lot of decisions both personally and professionally and the key is action. My parents once told me that when you have an idea, DO SOMETHING to make it come true. You might do something wrong, you might have to start over, but action creates progress. Either you gain momentum from your actions or you learn from them on what to do and what not to do. Momentum is key to watching an idea come to fruition. I am learning along the way, but everyday I am gaining momentum which creates excitement and more importantly results.

If you want to start a business, go back to school, make a relationship stronger, I say start NOW! Some might say, “but it will take “years” before I see results” my answer is this, “yes it might, however where will you be in “years” if you don’t act?” One thing is for certain is that time will not stop. So in 2-5 years from now will your life be different? Or will it be the same and you keep looking back saying those famous words, “I wish I would have.”?

Also many times people won’t take action for two major reasons FOF, and FOP. FOF is the fear of failure and FOP is the fear of people. Why are we continuing to conform to a society that gives us a 90% chance of being dead or broke at the age of 65? I am not trying to scare you or make you mad, I am just trying to make you think! You don’t have to take it from me, if you will follow 100 people at the age of 65 you will find that 25% of them will be dead. Of the people that live to be 65 here is the rough breakdown:
-40% have to rely on relatives to survive
-30% will rely on welfare and social security to make it
-20% will still be working
I am sure that not one of the 90% said I can’t wait to turn 65 so I can end up in one of these buckets. Why then do so many end up this way? Real simple they didn’t take action and they conformed to a society that says, “don’t take risks, you can’t do it, just get a good job and try to save a little money for retirement.” Here is what I say, “Life is too short, take action and take it NOW!”

If you are thinking about a new or different career, or thinking about a career change at all, I suggest This will be the best investment you can make in your career!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Be Thankful.....

There are a lot of distractions going on in life today. We are in the middle of a Presidential election, the financial crisis (who knows what is going to happen???), oil/gas prices, food costs increasing, mortgage rates and home values, and job loss. One can get consumed with the entire negative “buzz” happening around them at this moment in time.

I prefer, and challenge you, to look at everything that is going right in your life, and be thankful for everything you have. My wife and I were in a car accident last Saturday (everyone is Ok, thank God!) and it made me realize all the great things I have going on in my life. Sometimes it takes an accident or a tragedy in life before we “reflect” back on everything we have to be thankful for. I am not going to bore you with my list, but challenge you TODAY, to take 10 minutes out of your busy life, and create a list of all the great things you have to thankful for. Leave nothing out, if you have a bed to sleep in, be thankful, if you have food to eat, be thankful, if you have someone that loves you, be thankful, etc……

It is human nature to get caught up in and focus on the negative in life, for just this one day, I challenge you to focus on all the positive things that are happening in your life. You never know, you might just realize that life is not all that bad!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Getting Organized....

As my business grows and my personal assets develop, I find less and less time to stay organized, yet once I begin to re-organize all my “stuff” I am reminded of how important organization is. My life is made up of a lot of moving parts, and organization, though a hard thing to do is one of the most important things I need to accomplish.

Some of the benefits to staying organized include, easy to find the important things you need, also you can keep a handle on things, making sure nothing falls “through” the cracks.

Do you know where important documents are? Are you staying on top of everything you need to make sure you are covered in case something happens? What should you organize? Things including (but not limited too) all insurance (property, car, medical, dental, life, disability), all your investments, all legal documents, your will, all your banking information, information about your significant other and children (if applicable). These are just a few things to get your “list” started.

With all my moving parts, it has taken me one full week, others it might take one hour. However long it will take you, I suggest getting it done NOW! You won’t regret taking the time, and you will have peace of mind knowing that all your important documents are on hand if and when you need them.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Are You Prepared Financially?

You wake up this morning, and there is a huge mess on Wall Street. You might be asking, "What is going to happen with my portfolio (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, your 401K, etc....)?"Well if you have followed the guidelines in my book, "Winning The Money Game", this morning might be a little easier on you. In my book we discuss very simple financial fundamentals that if you follow you will set yourself to win the money game we all play. Such as:

Making, saving, and investing money
Ongoing savings
Needs vs wants
Essential money skills
Your money choices and their consequences

Grow your money
Assets vs liabilities
Monitor your progress
Evaluate yourself

Is it too late financially for you? I don't think so. I believe it is never too late to begin doing the right things to get on track. Please don't mistake the "simplicity" of these concepts! These concepts work period, and will help you win the money game over the long-term. You can buy the book at There are many different financial concepts out there, but some have proven to be tried and true. Don't be fooled by others who put "sexy" titles and concepts in their book. Follow the fundamentals above and you WILL WIN!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Finishing Strong

I was watching a football game the other day and it amazes me how intense it gets if the game is close at the 2 minute warning. It seems as if the offense, which couldn’t move the ball all game, suddenly has a new game plan is moving the ball at will against a defense that has stopped them up until this point. However, if the game isn’t that close, the intensity tends to go down and players begin to “give up” and get ready for next week’s game.

I think sometimes that how we are as human beings. If we have had a great year, and things are continuing to progress in a positive way, then our intensity goes up at the end of the year. If our year has just been the same year over and over, then we are saying, “I can’t wait until next year, things are going to be different, I am going to start over……”
Get my drift?

I am going to challenge each of you reading this to FINISH STRONG, no matter what type of year you have had. Don’t “write off” this year and wait until 2009 to make changes, do it now. Make forward progress now and think about how much further you will be when 2009 hits! You’ll never know what progress you can make unless you take action. Here is one of my favorite quotes: “Actions may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action” Benjamin Disraeli (Former British Prime Minister)

I don’t care if things have gone great, or if you would rather forget 2008 up to this point. Do something positive before 2009!!

I would love to hear how you are going to make in impact on your life in the last months of 2008.
Please contact me and keep me updated on how things are going! Best of luck!

If you would like to read about a specific topic in one of my upcoming blogs let me know!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A New Blogger

For someone who cares about helping people set themselves up for success by helping people change the way they look at life, I am been fighting a battle for the past 12 years. I have had the privilege to work with over 100,000 people all across the globe, and work with them to get on the right path to success (however they define the word "success"). Through self-help, motivation, financial planning, career planning, business planning, leadership and sales development, and building self-confidence I have seen a lot of people who are truly searching for answers about themselves and their very own lives. I have decided to jump into this "blogging" world with knowing little about it, to help as many people as possible with the power of the Internet. Each week I will post a blog that can and will help people improve their lives if they actually take action with my suggestions. Improving one's life is a two-way street. First, one must know what do to and how to do it, and second they must take ACTION! I have run across a lot of people who HEAR but don't LISTEN, others who LISTEN but don't UNDERSTAND, others who UNDERSTAND but don't AGREE, others who AGREE but don't think they HAVE THE ABILITY TO ACCOMPLISH, and finally those who HAVE THE ABILITY TO ACCOMPLISH but don't EXECUTE (no action). It is my goal to get people to EXECUTE and improve their lives and reach success (however they define "success"). I am anxious to see how people are improving, and also ready to be challenged. I invite all of you to get on this bus of improvement!

Be on the lookout as I post, and please let me know how you are using what I post to improve your life. Also if you don't agree I welcome any debate on anything that I post!

Thanks in advance for going along with me on this journey!